John has been a Hersham resident for over 25 years. He is always accessible, by phone, e-mail, on his bike around the Village (he sees first-hand the pothole menace!) or running in Coronation Rec and its brilliant new Green gym!
He says: “I represented Hersham on Elmbridge Borough Council for 11 years, serving as its leader for six years, protecting services, increasing grants to the voluntary sector and freezing council tax for four years. Parking and the state of Hersham’s roads are among my top priorities. I will not over-promise and under-deliver but will fight for Hersham to receive a fair share of limited resources."
John supports the early re-surfacing of the Queens Road from the Westcar Lane roundabout to the Watermans Pub. He is keen that Surrey CC gets its Hersham parking review "right" and will also support Whiteley Village as one of Hersham’s many jewels in its crown. He will work with residents to improve their bus services.
John adds: "I will work tirelessly in the interests of every part of our flourishing community, Hersham Village itself, Burwood Park, Longmore and Whiteley Village. And that means forging close links and cooperation with the Borough Councillors representing Hersham. Our local schools, businesses, the hugely popular Hersham Youth Centre, our fantastic Library and voluntary groups will all receive my enthusiastic support.
"Surrey is facing tremendous financial challenges. The decision not to proceed with the 15% council tax increase was correct, but I feel strongly that Councillors must take a lead and reduce their allowances, as a contribution to protecting vital services."
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07756883281