Surrey County Council has passed a Council motion to tackle child poverty through a system-wide approach.
Yesterday, the Conservative motion stated that the Council recognises that system-wide initiatives delivered through early years settings, schools, health settings, and family centres make a considerable difference. Such settings can have an impact not only on a child’s wellbeing, but also on the quality of learning and other outcomes.
The Council agreed to support the One Surrey Growth Board in its work on economic recovery and stimulating growth to provide the high-quality jobs which are critical to overcoming poverty.
Tim Oliver, Leader of Surrey County Council, said: “Throughout these difficult and uncertain times, it has been our absolute priority to protect our most vulnerable residents. So, I’m delighted that the Council motion will help us to continue our work and to ensure that no-one is left behind.”
Mary Lewis, the Cabinet Member who proposed the motion added: “I am delighted that my motion was well-supported. We absolutely recognise that child poverty, in all its forms, is a systemic problem, not a temporary one which can be solved with short term measures.”
Surrey County Council has done considerable work to help disadvantaged children but more can always be done. Some of this vital work includes: setting up the new Children’s Single Point of Access which has held up well in the pandemic in spite of a 30% plus increase in demand, making ‘substantial’ and ‘sustainable’ improvements to Children’s Social Care Services, started work to build two new children’s residential homes and a state-of-the-art contact centre costing £5.5m.