The NHS' new app will help us fight the spread of coronavirus in Surrey
The NHS Covid-19 app is now available to download for anyone over the age of 16 in England and Wales. With multiple functions and using privacy protected technology, the app is the fastest way to see if you are at risk from Coronavirus.
The app enables people to:
• Get alerts if they’ve been in contact with coronavirus
• Find out the risk level of their local postcode
• Check into venues using official NHS Covid-19 QR codes
• Check their symptoms
• Book a test
• Get self-isolation advice and track their isolation period with a countdown tool
Based on Apple and Google privacy protecting technology, the app is not able to track a person’s location, monitor whether they are self-isolating, access anyone’s personal identity or other information on the user's phone.
Surrey County Council Leader Tim Oliver said, "It is important that our togetherness and our collective sense of responsibility remains. Please, continue to play your part and together we will keep Surrey safe."
Ruth Hutchinson, Director of Public Health said, “The app is the next step in the fight to stop the spread of Coronavirus in Surrey. The more Surrey residents that download the app, the longer we can continue to keep Surrey safe.
“Contact tracing is absolutely essential to managing infection levels, and by using the app you will be doing your bit to help keep them down.
“The app tracks the virus, not you. The quicker you know that you are at risk of infection, the quicker you can alert and protect your loved ones. Lockdown was difficult for many people and we should all do what we can to prevent it. The app will help us stop the spread of Coronavirus in our local areas.”