During the last few months we have all had to deal with the most complex, restrictive and worrying public health crisis in our lifetimes in the shape of COVID-19.
In Surrey, I am proud to say we have done so, and continue to do so, together. Every community across the county has been standing up to protect the vulnerable, supporting each other and working with us to get Surrey through the crisis.
I want to say Thank You to every resident for playing their part. As lockdown measures are eased and we begin to look to the future with hope, it is important that our togetherness and our collective sense of responsibility remains. Please, continue to play your part and together we will keep Surrey safe.
Surrey's Response
In Surrey, the Local Resilience Forum (LRF) has been responsible for coordinating the response to COVID-19 and the national lockdown. This is jointly led by Surrey County Council, Surrey Police and Surrey Fire and Rescue Service, and involves many partners across the county.
We have been working together, with a common purpose – to protect our health services and save lives. Take a look at the infographic below with the facts and figures up to July on how the Surrey LRF have helped Surrey residents during Coronavirus.
Leading Surrey's Recovery
While much of the response work continues, we have also been working on ensuring Surrey is able to recover from the impact of COVID-19. After two years of rigorous financial management and a transformation of the council and its services, we are in a strong and sustainable financial position. This enabled us, as a County Council, to act as the financial bedrock for Surrey in responding to COVID-19.
It also means we are able to lead Surrey's recovery, and we have recently made announcements on:
Community Projects Fund
Cleaner, greener and safer travel
Care Sector Support
Surrey County Council is also working on a Community Impact Assessment so we can fully understand the needs and challenges now facing residents across the county. We are conducting surveys, focus groups and having conversations with community partners, and we are eager to hear your thoughts directly.
Please tell us how COVID-19 has affected you by e-mailing [email protected].