Surrey County Council needs to save £250m over the next 5 years.
Not only are we faced with further reductions in our funding from government, we have to cope with continued pressure on already stretched services.
But, in the past 3 years, we’ve maintained our vital services whilst saving over £200m - and we are on track to deliver another £63m of savings this year.
We are delivering on improving the County’s roads. Our highways teams resurfaced 107 roads between April and September this year. Laid end-to-end these major repairs would run 40 miles – that’s the distance from London to Reading!
We are delivering on providing school places. This September we provided every one of the 2,852 school places that was required in Surrey – that’s the equivalent of seven new primary schools and six times what was required just five years ago.
And we are delivering on creating apprenticeships. In fact, just last week I was delighted to announce that Surrey has already passed the 300 mark, well over half way towards meeting our target of creating 500 new apprenticeships by April next year.