Leader's Statement: High Court denies coalition’s ULEZ expansion challenge Friday, 28 July, 2023 Cllr Tim Oliver, Leader of Surrey County Council said: “ Whilst we respect today’s court decision, it is incredibly disappointing. “ This has always been about protecting Surrey residents, many of whom will now be significantly socially and financially impacted by the Mayor’s decision as they go about essential, everyday journeys, without any mitigation in place to minimise this. “ Our concerns... Local News
Lib Dems say ‘no’, again 12th February 2013 At today’s meeting of the County Council, Surrey’s Lib Dems unanimously voted against an increase in council tax, equivalent to just 44 pence a week , which... Local News
Lib Dems say ‘no’, again 12th February 2013 At today’s meeting of the County Council, Surrey’s Lib Dems unanimously voted against an increase in council tax, equivalent to just 44 pence a week , which... Local News
Bob Neill MP visits County Hall 8th February 2013 Bob Neill MP, the Conservative Party Vice-Chairman (Local Government) today visited County Hall to address the Conservative Group Local News
Lib Dem Leader’s Expenses Hypocrisy 7th February 2013 Despite her recent criticism of Surrey County Council’s Conservative Administration, it has emerged that Lib Dem Group Leader Hazel Watson has herself made... Local News
Lib Dems Fail to Support Children’s Service in Council Vote 11th December 2012 The Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council today refused to support the authority’s Children’s Service in a named and recorded vote held at today’s meeting... Local News
Lib Dems’ Call for 20mph Zones across County Fails 11th December 2012 In a motion tabled at today’s (11 th December 2012) meeting of the County Council, the Lib Dem Group called for a change to a Council-wide policy which would... Local News
Children’s Minister Commends Surrey’s Approach 12th June 2012 On Monday 11 th June, Surrey County Council was proud to receive a visit from Cabinet Minister for Children, Tim Loughton, who joined us to launch Surrey’s new... Local News
Revealed: Labour’s plan to let criminals avoid prison 5th December 2019 Labour’s policy to scrap prison sentences of under six months would lead to a surge of offenders on our streets, risking public safety. National News
The first 100 days of a Conservative majority government and the choice before the British people 4th December 2019 Our Conservative plan for getting Brexit done so that we can unleash Britain's potential is in stark contrast to the gridlock, dither, delay and uncertainty of... National News
Exposed: Labour plot with RMT behind rail strike chaos 3rd December 2019 Rail union leaders and the Labour Party have boasted that they are "working together" to "bring down" the government at this month's election through a campaign... National News
Brexit is a once in a generation opportunity to strengthen our border security 1st December 2019 Brexit provides a once in a generation opportunity to strengthen the security of the UK border. National News
Boris Johnson sets out the details of the Khan case 1st December 2019 The terrible Khan case has highlighted a complicated area of law. There have been many inaccuracies reported about this case over the last 24 hours. Here are... National News
John McDonnell admits that those on low incomes would pay higher taxes under Labour 30th November 2019 John McDonnell's admits that those on low incomes would pay higher taxes under Labour. National News