Surrey History Centre will be opening its doors once again on 21st July to researchers wishing to access its unique archive and local studies collections.
The centre, which is in Woking, will initially reopen with reduced hours and capacity to ensure social distancing can be observed and the health of customers and staff protected.
Julie Iles, Surrey County Council’s Cabinet Member for All-Age Learning said: “The reopening of Surrey History Centre is wonderful news. Heritage staff have worked tirelessly throughout lockdown to maintain the service. We’ve answered 1,300 enquiries from the public, over 100 social services enquiries and published over 30,000 images as well as delivering online talks, videos and social media activities to provide more opportunities to engage with Surrey’s past. I am delighted that the public can now return to use and enjoy the unique historic materials in the care of our heritage team.”
Opening hours will be Tuesday to Thursday, 09.45-12.45 and 13.45-16.45. Readers can book a morning or afternoon session only (not both) and in each session six people can be accommodated. Documents must be ordered in advance up to a limit of ten original items and two working days’ notice is required of your advance order. No additional orders for archive material can be placed during your visit.
To make an appointment and place your order please email [email protected] or phone 01483 518737.
Visitors will find a number of changes have been made to make our foyer and searchroom safe spaces for both you and our staff. Hand sanitiser will be available in the foyer, seats have been spaced out so there is 2 metres between them and screens have been installed at all counters.
In between the morning and afternoon sessions the two rooms will be thoroughly cleaned.
Initially there will be no access to public computers, microform readers or open access library shelves, but books, maps and catalogues can be requested from duty staff during your visit.
Posted from Surrey News